Mission & Vision

Our Mission
To provide a network of Member Churches to strengthen and serve one another, so that they grow holistically, faithfully exemplify and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord.


Our Vision
To see its Member Churches holistically developed, biblically strong, mature, stable, and unified, fulfilling the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Ephesians 4:11-16; Matt 28:19-20)

                                                                                 Core Values

• We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and everything we do must be rooted in scripture.
• We value the unconditional love of God which was manifested in the redemptive work accomplished on the cross by His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit’s drawing men to God Himself.
• We value intercessory prayer, believer’s baptism, complete stewardship before God, and the use of spiritual gifts for the edification of the church.
• We value the certainty of the eventual return of Jesus Christ as a guarantee that God will complete the good work in us that He has begun.
• We value the freedom to gather in worship using our spiritual gifts, prayer, song, praise, and thanksgiving as demonstrated in the preaching and teaching of the Bible.
• We value our unity as the body of Christ, enjoying one another’s diversity and uniqueness, joining in fellowship with one another and practicing team leadership to reaching out and meeting members’ needs and love for all men and women and all ages.
• We value honesty, integrity and transparency in our member churches and management structures, personal responsibility and accountability to God, self-discipline, respect for all human life from conception to natural death, and diligence in our daily walk.
• We seek to reflect the generous, life-giving nature of God
• We value honoring Christ in our homes with lifelong commitments to marriage between male and female and scripturally rearing our children.
• We value working together with other Bible believing Churches and other Baptist based and evangelical organizations.


Storied History, Strategic Future
From the time when the very first Baptist missionaries came to Uganda from the Congo in 1962 running away from troubles there. The following year Southern Baptist Missionaries entered Uganda from the Eastern side of the country. These two missionary schools planted Churches and if they had any plan in what they were doing, it was best known to them. The nationals had no idea and were not involved in determining the direction of the work.